Sunday, March 6, 2011


 On the Bus on the Way to Cadiz(costumes: Hippie, Party, Pirate, Cadiz(aka me.. aka a party), Greed (from the 7 deadly sins))
This past week, to start out, we didn't have school on Monday which was VERY enjoyable! Who doesnt love a 3 day week? haha... Then Tuesday I went on a field trip more or less around Sevilla to find all these places where Miguel de Cervantes has left his mark. It was really interesting to know why some of the streets are called what they are called from back in his time. Then on Wednesday I went to the Dr. which was totally interesting. I had a sore throat and a cough so i decided not to chance it and just go to ahead with seeing the Dr. We got in right away and (there was 3 of us) and we had a staff member from ISA to help us if we needed it but Im proud to say i did really well. I even got "Katrin, I didnt know you spoke spanish so well.. Im not talking to you in english anymore" haha. Although, I wouldn't say i am fluent by any means I feel as though my spanish has really improved being here. I only wish i was here like, ONE MONTH longer and i think things could really improve for me.

Thursday I went out to Buddah with Jen, Narolyn, Madelon, and Brittany and that was really fun. It is a 3 story dance club with different music on each floor. But there was also a lot of ISA people there so that was kinda fun with all those friends there too. Then I went home around 330 or so because i had to get up for another field trip for my Business Spanish class. We went to a place called Abengoa. It was actually really cook from what I got out of it all.. as in what the company does and how it runs and what not. Im pretty sure it works with sustainability and the environment... trying to like improve on more environmentally friendly ways of electricity. It was really cool. (BRINGS US TO OUR WORD OF THE WEEK... OR PHRASE: QUE GUAY! *kay guay* means HOW COOL :) )

Then on Sat. I went to the Carnival in Cadiz. While the bust ride was a wild time.. the carneval was an amazing experience. Everyone (old and young) dresses up in costumes and basically drinks in the streets.. the one problem is the lack of places to pee. There were many resturaunts open to sell bocadillos (sandwhiches) and beer. water. or juice, BUT they closed off their rest areas. Understandable to me considering the mess that the population left in the Burger King there.  SO there was lots of peeing on the streets and lots of drinking and lots of costumes. Overall I had a great time. again, another experience i needed and am glad i had the opportunity to do. This week I am going to Cordoba and Granada for Friday and Sat we come back to Sevilla. I think that will be really fun.

On the bright side, I think Spring Break for me is almost Booked up. Also, Ive added another trip into the Mix. I am going to go to Lagos, Portugal in April. I am so excited It is going to be amazing. Beach. Sangria Cruise. Friends. Sun. Love it. And The weekend before that is Palma Mallorca. So that means LOTS of sunshine for this girl in April! Money is dwindling with all these trips but i have applied a budget to have for every week until i leave once that is all booked up. So HOPEFULLY i stay under budget! ha.. Im sure i will. I really like eating at home. She cooks such great food and its always something different and comforting. :)

Today I have been sleeping all day because I didnt get home until 6 am from Cadiz. T.I.R.E.D. Needless to say I have been nothing but a Lazy girl. I have a few MIDTERMS next week. Holy Cow. one for Marketing and one for Literature then the Following Week for Culture, and Business Spanish. So that means I am engulfed in my Room... Or HOPEFULLY if the weather gets nicer out by the river :) ... studying for the next 2 weeks or so. Then not even like 3 weeks later we have finals. Time is FLYING. Its crazy.

I miss home but i am so happy here as well. The time I have spent in Spain so far has brought around some minor changes in my life but i am adjusting to them as I can. I am so glad that I have my family and my friends to support me in whatever i do.

TQM/ Hasta Pronto


  1. LOVE the picture but PLEASE dont die your hair pink anytime soon! haha. Not really your look goofer! Im so jealous of all these trips you get to take. and studying by the river..yes please!!! Your spanish was amazing before you left but it sounds like your getting even better! i cant wait to hear you speak it when you get home!!! You'll be able to show those St. Cloud spanish teachers whats up, thats for sure!

    Love you SeeS and miss you like crazyy!!!

  2. Que Guay! Well at least I can spell it even though I'm not good a saying it. Love the word of the week. I agree no pink hair and no you spanish is good enough, I need a hug from my baby girl and no way are you staying another month! I too am so glad you are having a good trip! It bring tears to my eyes every time I read your blogs! I am so proud of you! What a strong and brave women!

    I am sitting at the airport in Fargo, awaiting a flight to WY. I have a 1 day training in Rock Springs and then a 2 day training in Riverton, WY. I return on Friday. In my spare time I work on my online certification, I completed 2 classes and I am on my last course! I also have been trying to wrap up things with Fargo, and dive into things with MSUM. I will be very happy when the following dates appear, April 30th, I see my baby May 10 MSUM is done, and the end of May when Fargo will be done. I won't know what to do with my time, but I hope between the wedding Madora with the girls, and having Chloe Jade it will be a good one. I miss you so much Katrina! I stay very busy, I tried callling you this AM but no answer. We will talk soon. I am in hotels for three nights now so I hope to skype too. Take Care be SAFE! Give you Mom there a hug from me, Iam so glad she is taking good care of my baby! Love you!
