Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why are our lives so perfect?

..hello ocean in march..
This week was a rough one, no, not because i went to the beach, but because i had midterms. I did very well on both though and now have two more next week which i am pretty confident about.

                 THIS WEEKEND was amazing. Thursday was St. Patrick's Day and my non-irish self obviously had to participate in that. Madelon and I dressed up in Green everything for school and then went out to the bars that night, green wig and all. Needless to say, I was the life or the party. We went to an irish pub called Flatterty's first. Yes they had green Beer.
Kandace, me, Brittany & Madelon
That place was CRAZY and so we left right away, beer in tow, and went to Nervion to meet up with our friends Blair and Kelly to go to this other pub called O'Neils. I had so much fun.. needless to say. Later on Madelon, Brittany, Kandace, Ben, and Troy and I went to this club called Abril. I only stayed for a few minutes and went home because i was SO tired/didn't need anymore drinks.

       Friday Madelon, Brittany and I just hung out by the river and tanned. It was so nice to just hang out and walk around Sevilla with the amazing weather we had. I also got a little bit of shopping done for gifts and got a bit of color sitting by the river. That night I just hung out at home, recuperating from the night before and preparing for Saturday at the beach!!!


all of us in Cadiz

madelon and myself sunbathing


Saturday a group of us went down to Cadiz which is about an hour and a half away from Sevilla to hang out at the beach! (Costa de la Luz) The weather was ideal and the ocean was freezing. The whole day we tanned and played in the Ocean (yes, even though it was cold... once you got numb you were fine :) haha) As a group we decided that Cadiz during the day is completely different than Cadiz during Carneval! no comparison necessary. haha! Madelon and I left the beach around 4 to catch the 5oclock bus back to Sevilla. We stopped and got bocadillos (which are like a sandwhich on french bread) which were amazing.. seriously, the most amazing bocadillos we have had on this entire trip. haha.. and then caught the bus back to Sevilla and pretty much rested the rest of the night. The sun takes a lot out of you.

Today I am going to go to the River to study for my midterms this week with Madelon and Brittany. It should be a good time. This weekend I go to Portugal and i am SO excited. We are going to Lisbon for the whole weekend.

This week i also had a tiny scare that i wouldn;t be able to make it back to Fargo on the 30 because there was supposed to be an airport strike and the airport would have been shut down, but luckily that got resolved!! :)

Anyway! I hope you are all having a fantastic time dealing with the snow/melting/flood situations back home. I am LOVING Spain and before you know it i will be home. only 40 days until i return to North Dakota!



  1. KT .... I love your blog so much!! Thanks for sharing!! I've been following all along and love the pictures! Glad ur having the time of your life. Can't wait for your return stories and pictures.
    Your so beautiful in these pictures...and what a smarty pants u r. Love and hugs!

  2. Katrina, once again tears, laughter a little of everything. The more I read the more I miss you, but you are experiencing such a wonderful opportunity! WOW! The pictures are so cool, what a great day with your friends! I can NOT wait to hug you!! Miss you so so much! Love Mom

  3. Come home you can tell mom is getting a little emotional and i need you hear to lighten the mood! haha..jk mom! but seriously i know your life is perfect and all there but i could use you here..k thanks!
