Sunday, March 13, 2011

Córdoba y Granada

This is a view from la Alhambra of the city of Granada. So breath taking. <3

This past week went by fast. I had one midterm for my International Marketing Class which i am pretty sure i did great on. I also had a 'quiz' (more like a midterm) for my Spanish Literature class. This was fairly easy and i did end up doing really well on that also.. except it counted for 20% of our grade.. so quiz my butt! seriously. rough. haha...

This this weekend I went to Córdoba y Granada with ISA which was only for Fri and Sat. but was deffinately a FULL weekend of culture. we went to Córdoba first and visited the(WOD) Mezquita which means Mosque in Spanish but is now a Catholic Cathedral. It was taken over after it was built so all the arcitecture is Moorish (the arches are a main site to see) but there was a lot of things that were done to it after the Catholic Kings took it over. The Cathedral visit was short but very beautiful and then we got back on the bus and went to Granada. Here we went to a flamenco show in some Caves which was so fun and exciting. They did awesome and Im glad i finally got to see a flamenco show. We also walked up this GIANT mountain which took an eternity and a half to get to the top to see a beautiful view of the city. I guess it was totally worth it but the walk down was equally as bad.. considering it was up then down then up then down th... you get it. haha! The next day we went to La Alhambra which was a palace of king Carlos I and also Carlos V (being as they are the same person). To sideswipe the history lesson here, basically it was his palace and there are many parts to it a summer palace and the gardens and many many plazas within the Alhambra. It took about 3 hours to view and although I was slightly over it at the end, It was very beautiful to see. Our guide was kind of a bore and did not really give us much time to take photos so Madelon and I, as per usual, just kind of stayed behind the group most of the time half listening and just kind of making up our own stories about what things were for.. (we did this in the Cathedral as well. haha..) Sounds like we were the bad kids but I do know a lot about both.. (plus the gave me a pamphlet for the Cathedral so you cant expect me to listen to someone talk about it so boringly when i can read about it myself) haha anyway! Almost TOO much culture for 2 days. BUT im glad we did it. (WOD)Silver(Plata) is very cheap in Granada y Córdoba so I did pick up a few things.. and Also just some random pressys for friends back home. I have come to the conclusion that I would much rather give gifts to people then buy things for myself here. I mean, I have bought a few but most of the things i have bought are going to family and friends. :)

Today we saw the BARCELONA futbol team walking out to their bus. yea, dont worry not a big deal or anything. Saw Gerard Pique who is a guapeton (super handsome man) and all the other players. Totally fun for a rainy boring day that i had today asside from that. Barce plays Sevilla tonight. I didnt go to the game because i had homework and it wasn't on TV so i couldn't watch it but im sure it was an awesome game. 

This next week i dont have much planned except for ST. PATRICK'S DAY... which they don't celebrate here but LUCKILY [ ;)] there are many an Irish pub around here to celebrate in. I think you can even win a hat if you drink a certain amount. (don't worry, not in my agenda haha)

I miss home a lot but it is super exciting going on some of these tours and hearing the information and realizing that i already know some of the history that they tell us about because of other classes ive taken. I really do love this language and this culture and everything about Spain and have already decided I MUST return. I have to make the most of my time left here because i am already at the halfway point! Its crazy to think about that I only have a month and a half left of living my life here in Spain and it is kind of sad. As much as I miss home, I really want to improve on my spanish so much and become fluent that its hard for me to want to leave. I know that my time here is not done now though so I am going to be making the most of every day i have left here in Sevilla! :)



  1. Katrina, your blogs are like a really great book, I am laughing one minute and crying the next! I read about what the future successful marking person will look like in the future. The book talked about the marketing person not only having great marketing skills, but also great writing skills! You fit the picture perfect! I am so glad you are having fun. I love your version of your tours anyway, and I would say that you are always a great student never a bad student, he was obviously a bad tour guide, number one rule, engage your students, he missed! You and Madeline were just smart enough to pick up the brochure's and read and of course write just a well if not better. I love how you not only talk about the sites but also tell us the history behind them. I miss you so so much Katrina, I can not wait to hug you again, but I am sure loving your experience in Spain. Many hugs and kisses Babe!
    Love Mom

  2. SSEEEEEEESSS! I finally got some time in AZ to sit at read your blog! I bet you and Madelon give the best tours ever anyways..regardless if its only you two there to hear them ;-) I love that you love the place your at and the point you are at in your life! It makes me happy!! I miss you tons and all your guts! I know its sad your almost done but i think i need you back here! ok thanks!

    love you tons sees!
