Saturday, February 12, 2011


I know I have not updated lately being as I have been leading, not the very exciting life lately.. I know that might seem hard to believe being that I'm in Spain but seriously...

Everyday I have class from 10 till 2 basically, and then Monday and Wednesday I have class from 6 to 8 pm. That pretty much eats up my life Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday... and the weekend because they assign SO MUCH homework.

We have taken a liking to this Mexican restaurant that is in Nervion which is about a 45min walk from my place or a 30ish min walk with a 15ish min. metro ride (look at how urban i am taking the metroo.. haha). ANYWAY they totally love us there... Making it a weekly visit I think. haha (: plus their food is amazing so its hard to not want to go, AND the ISA office gives us a coupon for a free beer so then it is def.f hard to pass up.

I still love it here although I do get homesick at night mostly because I can't do anything to take my mind off of it. I also have acquired a cold here which is also not helping the not being at home part. I did go to the Pharmacy and explain to them that I was congested. Here the word (Eme, your word of the day) is Constipado (CON-stee-pah-doe) and I was sure to point to my nose because I dont know if that verb has more than one meaning. ha!! Oh boy..

Life at the house is pretty nice though. Esperanza is such a nice lady and I can't get enough of her grandson! Marco is is name. We spent a half hour or 45 min today playing with the knob from a cabinet. SO ADORABLE. He is staying with us for a few days because his mom, Esperanza's daughter, is having another baby! A girl. And I so hope that she brings her by! (: I really enjoy having kids around the house.

It is almost my birthday! 21. WOW. I feel old. not ok. haha. BuT we are going to go to a Flamenco show on the 19th to post celebrate a little bit. The other day we toured the Real Alcazar and also the Cathedral of Seville. I loved both. The Alcazar tour was very long though so the Cathedral one, we (Madelon and I)stayed for a little bit but then explored by ourselves. I have a lot of pictures up on my Facebook for you to see. It takes a super long time to load them on here so you will just have to venture over there and check them out. (:

Other than that, today I went to Plaza de Espana (with Madelon and her roomate, Brittany) which is prob. thee most gorgeous place i have been to here. AMAZING. I didn't have my camera today but I will be going back. So beautiful.. ah.. (: and then we walked back towards the "centro" and got icecream and ran into one of the Gilbralter girls, Anna that we met on the Metro the other weekend. So fun seeing her. We went shopping and I got a few things but I really want to plan my trips.. it is just hard to resist when they are in "sales" right now so everything is SUPER cheap.

I had anchovies today also. well, parts. I tried. and it wasn't like they were from a can and they weren't bad but they still had skin on them, which you just eat aparently, and they still had their backbone in them... idk.. I knew they ate fish different here so I kind of expected this and it was not totally bad, but I felt so bad for not eating more, I just couldn't wrap my head around it.. idk BLEH.

Anyway, I have a lot of homework ahead of me and not much more of the weekend, being that it is Sat. night and I'm in. (my feet hurt and I still have that cold so I dont really want to be out haha)

Loveyou and miss you lots.



  1. anchovies!!! WOW Katrina, I can't even eat those but I bet Bob will be proud of the fact that you tried them! It is so fun to ready your blog, keep up the good work on your studies but enjoy your time there too. Paola said you spoke VERY well today! I am so proud of you Katrina, Happy ALMOST Birthday!! I love you! Mom

  2. SEEEESSS!!! I am going to practice my "word of the week" day in and day out for the next week! that way when you come back and i have a cold i can tell you im constipado!!! hahahahaha i bet it sounds even funnier when you are really stuffed up (in your nose)! haha LOVE YOU!!!


  3. I am so proud of you for going to the pharmacy!! Haha what seems like a simple task is prolly more daunting than we can imagine! My brave litle cousin ;) I love it!
