Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday funday?

It is only tuesday and yet half my week is already over. I am really enjoying this whole no class on fridays thing. Plus we dont have class Monday either because its Andalusia day so i have an extra long weekend! I will need it to catch up on sleep.. im sure.

This weekend the plan is to go to Morocco. YES I am very aware of how the situation is there and have taken all precautions by calling the company we are going with, and talking to the people at ISA about their opinions. The company (Discover Sevilla) is also carefully monitoring the situation and will let us know if anything changes. I know where we are going is not having any "problems" right now although the continent of Africa is deff. struggling. From what I hear Morocco is "so close yet so far away" from the situation going on in Libia and Egypt. Recently there have been silent protests but they have been peaceful which is the most important thing. They also have a King in Morocco that they still have some respect for so that is also n the plus side for us.The information about the trip I am going on is:

Join DiscoverSevilla on this 3 day trip where you will spend 2 nights in a beach front 4**** hotel with a swimming pool, great food and excellent service; tour 2 main northern Moroccan cities: Chefchaouen and Tetuan; have a panoramic bus view of Tangiers,  visit the Caves of Hercules and ride on camels near the beach in Tangiers.

I am so excited about going and as long as things stay peaceful where we are going, I will be fine. They have contacts in Morocco so that also helps them know exactly what is going on. I think this trip will be a complete eye opener and I will definitely be a victim of Culture Shock but to me, learning about a new culture is always more exciting. :)

Now that the hard parts are covered lets get back to current life in Spain!
My host mom and dad have been great about being "protective" which to me, shows that they care about us, not just about the money they get to keep us here. One day I didnt eat the dessert she gave us and so she brought in another BAR of chocolate for Rachel and I just to make sure we were full, and had enough food. haha Not that I need the chocolate bar being as my half is still sitting on my shelf, but its nice to have a little after lunch when i want something sweet. 

 Monday, Blair and I decided to go get a glass of wine after class and have some bread with tomato and olive oil (PAN con acete y tomate: say it like pahn cOn ah-say-tay E toe-mah-tay) :) my favorite. BUT the first place we went did not have bread? like, when does that ever happen here!? its like TBell running out of Taco shells.. which i would not doubt has happened but this is SPAIN. haha.. anyway, we decided to go to this cute little bar in Plaza de San Fermin (i think) that we had been to before and have a glass of wine and some bread, which was so great. SIDE NOTE: as far as the rioja goes (which is a red wine made in spain) there is like de la casa which is the cheapest but the "worst" and it goes on until rioja gran reserva which is more expensive but the "best". SO that being said, we noticed that the Gran Reserva was only .50Euro more than the rioja(dont know if it was de la casa or not). So, blair decided to get another class of Gran Reserva. I tried it, AMAZINGGG. SO much better than the first glass we had and the second glass.. I am only at 2 now but blair is at 3. we were like, ok, after this glass lets go home and eat supper, then meet up at like 10 to go to a flamenco show. WELL, there was this CRAZY italian man (and his girlfriend) who was stealing the olives out of the bowls so we kinda joked around with him like "oh we know what your doing" and then, he bought us each a glass of Gran Reserva.. yeah. 3Euro a glass.=about 4ish american dollars.. and then we were slowly sipping that one, and he buys us another, and we are like no no its ok we are good. and he insists, so we get another glass.. needless to day, one glass of wine after class at 8 turned into us being at this bar for 2 hrs and meeting the girls at 1030ish for the flamenco show which we watched for one song and left. I was so tired and it was 1230 apready and i needed to eat supper still! Luckily my host mom is great and leaves it for us to eat kind of whenever we want it. :)

Great monday night memories. :) 
School is going great so far. I learn things ever day i am in class which is deff. how it should be. The wine info from above i learned in my culture class. In my literature class We are talking about Miguel de Cervantes (wrote Don Quijote de la Mancha) and its so exciting because we could learn about all this stuff with a great teacher in the US but we are IN SPAIN so we ARE where things happened, and this thursday we get to take a city tour of some of the important places to Cervantes. So exciting. Marketing I learn new stuff everyday, how Ford has messed up SO MUCH when it comes to naming cars and trying to sell them in a different market... Ill give a few examples but you are on your own for finding out what some of them mean. haha.. First of all, Nova which translates to No work in some places in S. America. also Pinto (look up in Portuguese)...Caliente (tried to sell in Mexico) and also Pajero (yeah.).. Talk about needing to know the language/culture!!! haha.  My Business Spanish class is a little less than what i had hoped for but I think I am learning it.. its just a little harder to comprehend because she teaches differently.

Sorry about this novel of a post!!I apparently had a lot to say! :)

Hasta./ TQM.


  1. You think you can just go to Spain and have all the fun you want!!?!?!?!?!??.... ok! :-)


    Love you SeeS

  2. Katie your blog was so fun to read today. I read it twice! I love how you are having so much fun, yet acting very responsible. I am so proud of you dear!

    Love you! Please be careful. We will skype on Thurs with Grandma ok? Love you! Mom

  3. I am officially jealous of the amazing time you are having! I LOVE being able to read about it! I would like to visit there someday. I am going to Mexico soon, does that count?

