Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finally, Sevilla

Today, we arrived in Sevilla after a 5 hour bus ride. I pretty much ate eggs all day, tortilla espanola for breakfast (which is like a omlet/quise or whatever) filled with potatoes. DE-LISH. and then i had a sandwhich with that in it for lunch.. Paprika pringles (yummy also)  and like a bite of worlds chocolatey-est pudding. and then eggs with i think turkey for supper with bread, yogurt, and fish. it was good. ya know. eggy.

Triana is absolutly beautiful. The sun was out today and the walk to el Centro is really actually really not that bad. I thought it would be long, but it wasnt at all. we're close to the river and in a very nice locaation. Our house is cute. Its super ince with a big "living space" and kitchek and bathroom. Our room is sufficiently big for two people. "Mom"- Esperanza is a housewife and very sweet. "Dad"-Felipe works for the Pres aparently! so i have NO idea what he does.. haha.. secretservice. no idea. haha

Tomorrow we go in early to take placement tests to find out where we are with our spanish language.. I need to get in Advanced, its very important.. so im a little worried about that. Then we find out what time/schedule of our classes and POSSIBLY have class tomorrow afternoon at 2. Which is a little weird because that is lunchtime and they are very insistant about us eating lunch with our families.. so.. kinda strange!! otherwise ill be eating lunch at 4 everday... which isnt exactly my cup of tea if you know what i mean.

Also, we have a welcome dinner tomorrow. That might be kinda fun so we will see. Usually there are no classes fridays so we can travel but tomorrow we need to get the credit hours aparently so yeah..

 long day so i am going to go to bed early tonight.


1 comment:

  1. It is so cool to read your blog each day! I checked out the pictures on facebook too. Thank Goodness for technology! You need to let me know your friends pictures by name so I know who is who when we visit. :-) Enjoy your time in Spain Katrina, you look so good! All that walking does the mind and body good! Hugs!
    Love Mom
