Saturday, February 5, 2011

First weekend

Sevilla is more georgous than i could have ever imagined it to be!! The architecture and the streets and the life itself is very enjoyable and relaxing.

Yesterday(aka friday) was the first day of "classes". We just had to make up credit hours so a few of us had to attend class.We took our spanish placement exams which let the school know where we are with our abilities in the language, got advanced. so pumped!! (: I was a little worried but i am so excited now! My marketing teacher is awesome. he is hillarious and has lots of stories to tell.. idk if his class will be difficult or not but we will see...

 Last night we had a 'welcoming dinner' in Nervion which is like prob a 45 min walk away from my home, so we decided to take the metro. We stopped for supper at a Mexican restaurant (i know.. haha) and it was DE-LISH. I actually got to have some Mole which i LOVE so that made me happy! we also made friends with the waiter who was looking to do intercambios (which is when they would for example talk to us in only spanish or we would answer in spanish and they would ask in english or vice versa) which i'm looking forward to doing with whomever i get. Blair gets him. she dibbs-ed it. haha.

Once we got on the Metro, we ended up meeting these two girls from Gibraltar which was SO MUCH FUN. They have english accents because its an english colony down there, they totally loved ours too which is funny because Madelon and I have very Northern accents and they thought it was absolutely hilarious.. even got of them to cry because they thought it was so funny. Good time. I think we are going to go out with them tonight, so that should be really fun.

Tomorrow I plan on sleeping in and trying to find a place to watch the superbowl! I know not a lot of places are open so basically i'm getting school supplies and whatever else i need for class on monday, today to get it out of the way. Its about 2 here and we are going to have lunch soon.

Have a good weekend!

Hasta./ TQM


  1. Katrina, WOW what a fun fun day and congratulations on your advanced placement! I just KNEW you would do well. Katrina you are so personable, beautiful, funny, fun, and SMART! Your successes will be exemplary in very way. I am so proud of you honey!
    Send lots of pictures on face book and label the girls names so I know who they are. I am so excited to talk to you later too.

    Much Love, Mom

    Just so you know, your blog is on my "favorites" list and I check it everyday. I enjoy hearing about your experience and it sounds like you are having such a blast! I am so proud of you for your motivation in your education and I know that you will do wonderfully. Too bad I hate Mexican food, and I am poor, or else I would come visit you :)I wonder what they would say if I asked for chicken strips...

    I love you!
    - Lacie

  3. Awesome Blog Katie!! Love to hear all about your experience. Embrace every moment there.

    The Huber's

  4. AH I am finally catching up on everything and LOVE this post! Expecially the part about your accent making them laugh..hmm i can't POSSIBLY imagine that :)!
