Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lucky girl.

My birthday was a success. :) We went out thursday and my friends surprised me with a dinner and all that jazz. So sweet of them. They paid for my drinks, paid for my supper, and got me gifts. I dont think they needed to do ANY of that. It was GREATLY appreciated. They lessened the blow of not being home on my birthday. :)
couldn't ask for a better day.

The rest of the weekend was very relaxing, so needless to say in my last post when i thought thursday=relaxing night, eh no. didnt happen haha. This week is going to fly by! The (tentative) plan is to go to Morocco on Friday to Sunday and so I'm hoping this political turmoil going on doesn't effect plans. If it does, I hope i get my money back but non the less.

The weather here has been quite idea. like 65 a day if not warmer. This week i think is even supposed to be a little better. I am hoping that the rain goes away!

I will update a little later on in the week. I have been having so much fun here and I will also start to take my camera around more so i can share more "everyday" photos with you all. :)

Loveyou and miss you much!


1 comment:

  1. Yea for Great friends and a great birthday!!!! Happy 21st SeeS
