Monday, February 7, 2011

Primer dia de las clases!

This weekend i slept, a lot. I attempted at going out on Sat... that lasted for an hour. HAHA! I need to get with the times. This weekend forsure we are going out thursday. I am so excited there is a discoteca very close to calle alfalfa which has lots of cheep drinks like shots or beers for one euro. not that im here to drink heavily like some americans but its nice to have a good deal if im going to go out with friends.

ANYWAY, today was the first day of classes! Im in for it this semester i think. I have one class that seems easy. My first class of the day is at 10am and it is Business Spanish. i at first thought it was going to be a vocabulary class but now it seems more like a business class, just, taught in spanish.. we will see. im not excited about the mandatory fieldtrips that are sometimes on random fridays when we do not have class.. but what can you do! The second class im taking is at 12 (so i have an hour break to just study or whatever) and that is Spanish Culture and Civilization. I am actually excited about this class too because it first of all, seems easy(lets just say, a few units are on Flamenco dancing, food, and family.. (: haha ), and second it is going to be really interesting. i LoVe learning about new cultures and all of that so im excited. The third spanish class i have for the day starts at 1 and it is with the same teacher as the 12 o'clock class. Jaime Abeja. He is very chill and i like that about him. Seems very nice and likes that we want to learn and take the classes he teaches. Anyway, the third class is Spanish Literature. I thought i'd be ok but once i saw the syllabus i was like.. UMMMM we will see! haha thank goodness Madelon is in my class also and can help me out since she basically has read EVERYTHING we are going to be reading.(: thats what friends are for! haha

Finally i have one class at 6pm to 8pm on Mondays and Wednesdays that is an International Marketing class. I felt like i learned so much already. This teacher, Nano, is so crude but in a good way, idk he is just AWESOME. plus, he is deff pretty good looking for 40 and i bet he was a lady killer back in the day so he is deff. not hard to pay attention to.. haha

 The days fly by here because after my class at 2 i come to my homestay and have lunch, and then i go back for my 6pm class because i meet madelon after her 4pm class to catch up and whatnot in th emiddle. I unfortunately dont get to see Blair until after 8pm class if at all during the school week so that totally sucks! when i do see her though its like its been forever! I am so glad that i met those two girls here i dont know what i'd do without them.
My roomate rachel and i get along really well too so thats great! and we do stuff together more and more and are becoming closer as well.

all in all my time her in spain is not being wasted away(literally). I am finding myself absolutly obsessed with the city of Sevilla because it is SO beautiful! I can only wish the ones i love would have came with me or at least are able to see it sometime!

 hasta./ tqm


  1. Katie I love and your having such a great time! Your new friends sound like life long great people and friends! I can just picture it now you back in the US talking to Mary about how you both want to leave and go live in Spain..which if you do im totally there! haha. The nice thing about social work is that i can go anywhere! I just need you to interpret for me!

  2. Hey GIRLS,
    This is MOM and I am feeling REALLY left out. Please don't leave me! Katrina, what a wonderful time you are having. You are so fortunate to have the opportunity to experience all this. I am so happy for you. Your classes sound great. Commit to learning and enjoy life.
    I love you so much!
