Wednesday, February 2, 2011

like, seriously, ya know?

So the journey in Madrid has ended and we are in Toledo for the rest of the day (even though its already like 620 here) and its beautiful!

Our last day in Madrid was anything but crazy haha. Madelon and Blair and I explored the metro.. and shopped a little even though we didn't find anything.

Yesterday we went to El Museo del Prado and it was very interesting but kinda repetative from the class i took last semester on spanish history. Then we went directly to el Palacio Real and it was CRAZY. We only explored a few rooms but they are so gaudy and rediculously georgous! Of course pictures aren't allowed so you will have to just come and see for yourself if your curious!! (:
The rest of the day was to ourselves and we just kinda walked around.. took the metro (to the wrong exit) and continued to walk 6 or 7 blocks to the Hotel.

**ALSO note for the day: cobblestone streets, while beautiful and seemingly fit for the streets we pass through, totally suck for real life.

Today in Toledo, the historical capital of Spain (meaning it was the capital before madrid), and we saw the oldest church there, and heard some really cool stuff about that also like for example, the statues of saints and angles on the outside had a white stone head while their bodies were grey stone. I asked about it and this is because when Spain had the war with Napoleon, they cut the heads off of the statues because, you know it was the war.. and so they used the white stone instead of grey to show that it is not original, and also kind of shows the story in a way so that is awesome.

Then we went to this sort of park and it was totally beautiful (view area/ parque). Then we went to el Centro de la ciudad which was also, completely beautiful. walked around there and just kinda talked. it was BEAUTIFUL today, sunshiny.. and just nice. But now we are at the hotel and we go meet our host families tomorrow, which is kind of exciting.

Mandatory meeting now and then resting up tonight. Have to be bright and shiney for my spanish family.



  1. After reading your post I have decided to put going to Spain on my bucket list! Of course you have to come with me. I tried to call you today I think it went to your voicemail and I left a message...Some lady came on and was speaking spanish and then it went bbbeeeeppppp!!!! haha so i said "hey katie its your sees call me back!" i hope it was a message to you anyways..i guess who really knows. i have no clue really what the lady said haha.
    I am so excited to read more about the amazing time you are having in Spain! I am so jealous! Good luck meeting your family! I cant wait to hear about that! Love you and miss you tons Sees!!

  2. Man i miss you it is beyond fun reading your blog Katrina and I might add you are such a great writer!! "cobblestone streets, while beautiful and seemingly fit for the streets we pass through, totally suck for real life." totally agree!!! You should try heels on them, it is like walking on several feet supports! HA!
    I left you a message today. I am so excited to TALK to you, but so far my 600 minutes turned into 17 just leaving messages. HA! Love you Katrina! Mom
